
A Tab element with the correct WAI-ARIA attributes.

import { Tab } from 'react-web-tabs'

<Tab tabFor="my-tab">React web tabs</Tab>

children: node

Any child node

<Tab tabFor="my-tab">
  <Icon glyph="heart">
  <span>React web tabs</span>

tabFor: string

To connect a <Tab> to a <TabPanel> we need to make an id reference similar to how form inputs and labels work.

focusable: bool (optional)

According to the WAI-ARIA Practices 1.1 only the active tab should receive focus upon entering and leaving the tab list. Some people find this behavior confusing so to make all tabs focusable you can override this by adding the focusable flag.

<Tab focusable tabFor="my-tab">React web tabs</Tab>

onClick: func (optional)

On click callback, If you wrap your tab in a <TabProvider> or <Tabs> component it will get called after it has been selected.

props: mixed (optional)

Any additional props that you can provide to a <button> element. E.g className, style, title, data attributes, etc.

The following props are reserved: id, role, aria-selected, aria-controls, onClick, onKeyDown, tabIndex.

  title="A tab"
  style={{ background: 'rebeccapurple'}}
  React web tabs

Keyboard support

The following keys can be used to navigate between tabs when in focus, according to the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1. This requires your <Tab> to be wrapped within a <TabProvider> or <Tabs> component.

  • Navigate to previous tab
  • Navigate to next tab
  • HOME Navigate to first tab
  • END Navigate to last tab

When the tabs are vertical:

  • Navigate to previous tab
  • Navigate to next tab
  • HOME Navigate to first tab
  • END Navigate to last tab

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